Sillä ei oo väliä onko mun lapset tyttöjä vai poikia. Tää on MUN harrastus.
Iso Talo on suurin mun nukkekodeista kooltaan ja mittakaavaltaan (=1:12). Se oli meille tullessaan huonossa kunnossa ja oon tässä vuosien aikana sitä pikkuhiljaa kunnostanut. Remontti on vieläkin kesken (niinkuin meidän 1:1 talossakin) ja sähköt asentamatta, mutta valosarjan avulla pärjäillään. Tapetit ovat vaihtuneet jo pariin kertaan ja olohuone, työhuone, kylppäri ja lastenhuone ovat osittain tai kokonaan varastona. Tämä ei kuitenkaan menoa haittaa ja talossa hengaileekin värikästä porukkaa.
Tapahtui tänä aamuna Isossa Talossa...
I'm a dollhouse enthusiast. It's my thing. Year 2010 it became clear to me that this actually can be a hobby for a grown up! So I came out of the closet and became an "official" dollhouse enthusiast. When I dragged a big run-down dollhouse into our home I was pregnant, and everybody thought that we are having a girl. I tried to explain that it is my house and that we don't know which sex we're having. (We never wanted to know. It's a lot more fun that way.) "Yeah right... you're just saying" I was answered.
It doesn't matter whether my children are girls or boys. This is MY hobby.
The Big House is the biggest of my dollhouses in size and scale (=1:12). It was in a poor condition when it came to our house and I've been working with it occasionally for a few years. And it's not even nearly done. There are no electricity there, but we are coping with some string lights. I've changed the wallpapers for a few times and the living room, study, bathroom and the kids room are partially or entirely used as a storage space. This doesn't matter. There are some colourful dudes hanging around.
Happened this morning in the Big House...
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Ukko tulee kotiin metsästä. The guy comes home from the woods. |
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Hän käy laittamassa hajuvettä... He puts on his perfume... |
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...ja menee syömään aamupalaa Pupun ja Hulkin kanssa. ...and goes to have some breakfast with Bunny and Hulk. |
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Hulk söi liikaa ja hänen piti mennä makaamaan. Hulk ate too much and he had to go lie down. |
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Ukko vei jätskinsä yläkertaan... The guy took his ice cream upstairs... |
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...and Pupu jäi yksin siivoamaan keittiötä. ...and Bunny was left alone to clean the kitchen. |
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Remontti on kesken... The renovation is unfinished... |
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...mutta silti pormestarikin tuli kylään. ...still the Mayor wanted to pay a visit. |
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