Siihen loppui sitten maalin rapsuttelu.
Raa'an kananmunamassan kaapiminen lattialta ei muuten oo mitään helppoa hommaa. Talouspaperia meni varmaan puol rullaa. Pitää vissiin keksiä jääkaapin oveen TAAS joku lukkosysteemi. Varmaan laitan pätkän roudarinteippiä oven yläkulmaan.
Voi huoh mä sanon.
Our morning went nicely upstairs when I was scratching paint off and my little boys were playing with older boys' exciting toys behind me. A classic thing happened: it took me a while to notice that the constant arguing noises had died. Stupid of me to have thought that they had reached an agreement. (?!?!!). After approximately five minutes I turned over and realized that the small one was missing. Resulting a quick search I found the little rascal from the kitchen where he had already managed to take a full egg carton out of the fridge. And had broken every single one of the 15 eggs. More than half were nicely in a bowl but the rest of them were a wobbling puddle on the floor.
That was the end of my scratching.
Scraping raw eggs from the floor ain't no easy task. It took like half a roll of paper towels. I probably need to invent some sort of lock thingy to the fridge door AGAIN. Maybe I put a piece of duck tape to the upper corner of the door.
Hahah eikä! :D Meinasin kuolla ku pidättelin naurua koulussa!!
VastaaPoistaJoo muaki nauratti tää... Jälkeenpäin. Sitä sotkua oli tosi karsee siivota.