Mä yritän pitää tiukkaa kuria ja piirtäminen/maalaaminen loppuu aina siihen, kun taiteilu laajenee paperin ulkopuolelle, mutta silti tää meidän pienin tehomies jotenkin ehtii piirustella muuallekin. Sekään ei auta, että kaikkia kyniä säilytetään suht. korkealla. Isommat veljet unohtaa helposti näitä kodintuhoaseita omille pöydilleen lojumaan, josta sitten pienet nopeat silmät ne bongaa.
Ainiin. Oon saanu kyseisen taikasienen mutsiltani ja kuorikin on tullut heitettyä menemään, mutta merkki on Akro ja se on ostettu ilmeisesti Prismasta tai Tokmannista.
Ja onhan mulla maalaushommiin tarkoitettu kerniliinakin, mutta se on niin kätevästi kellarissa, että useimmiten jää sinne.
My little boys became inspired by watercolor painting. It looks really cute when small children are painting intensively. But, with this crew, the moped usually goes out of control sooner or later. And this time it was the moment when I saw my 4-year-old painting his arms and my smallest one had some purple spots all over his back. Somehow he managed to make the spots by himself (???). So I had to whistle an end to the painting business. I often let my kids paint. Almost everytime it ends up being messy but it's so nice when they are being creative.
These outbursts of creativity come in cycles. When they get excited about something they wanna do it over and over again, day after day. At the evening the boys were painting when I went to my dance class. In the morning I noticed that a purple pond had dried up on the kitchen table. (Purple and green are the favorite colors because my youngest son is a huge Hulk fan). It didn't come off with my usual methods (=dishcloth+kitchen cleaner). Damn!
Then I tried removing the stain with a magic sponge and it worked! I also managed to get off a lot of other existing stains. Including a month old marker pen mark from our fridge door and from the older boys' bunk bed. I felt like a heroine in a Cillit Bang ad when I walked around our house searching for some stains to clean. And they certainly don't run out in our household.
Nevertheless, I try to hold things together, so the drawing/painting ends immediately when the pen/brush wanders somewhere outside the paper. But still our youngest is so efficient that he somehow manages to draw places he's not supposed to draw. I keep all our pens stored up high but that doesn't help because the older boys forget these home destruction weapons on their desks, and the small one takes advantage of this opportunity immediately.
Oh. My mom gave me that magic sponge and I've tossed away the cover, but the name of the product is Akro and it's purchased from Prisma or Tokmanni.
I've also got a plastic tablecloth for these painting jobs, but it's stored in the basement and it usually stays there.
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Maalauksessa Hulk riehuu. There is a Hulk raging in the painting. |
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Noi oli ne pinttyneet tahrat, mitkä ei meinannu lähteä. Those were the dried up stains. |
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Pinttynyttä tussia jääkaapin ovessa. Marker pen drawing in the fridge door. |
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Lähti! It's gone! |
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