Yesterday I tried to make some sense to the pile of stuff that's going to a second hand shop. My work was totally interrupted by the daily "taking the kids out and feeding them" routine. After that, while the smallest child napping, I thought I could actually have a cup of coffee. Wrong. He was jumping down from the bunk bed's upper level to an unfinished pile of flea market stuff and had already spread a bag of toys (that I had chosen to go to flea market) around the bedroom floor. After an exhausting cleaning operation I had my coffee. Cold. Furthermore, I found evidence of a banana's journey to the decorative bird cage. And an empty wienie pack from the living room floor.
keskiviikko 28. lokakuuta 2015
Setvintää ja tihulointia - Sorting and shenanigans
Yritin eilen saada tolkkua kirppikselle lähteviin kamoihin. Homma jäi täysin kesken, kun piti lähteä ulkoiluttamaan minitarzaneita. Ulkoilun ja lounaan jälkeen sitä ajattelee, että juonpas vähän kahvia, kun pieninkin on päiväunilla (=harhaluulo, sillä pienin hyppii yläsängystä keskeneräiseen vaatekasaan ja on jo ehtinyt purkaa kirppikselle lähtevien lelujen kassin ympäri makuuhuoneen lattiaa). Kahvi tuli juotua kylmänä siivousurakan päätteeksi. Samalla löytyi toditusaineistoa banaanin matkasta koristelintuhäkkiin. Ja tyhjä nakkipaketti olohuoneen lattialta (ilmeisesti jomman kumman isomman pojan jäljiltä).
Yesterday I tried to make some sense to the pile of stuff that's going to a second hand shop. My work was totally interrupted by the daily "taking the kids out and feeding them" routine. After that, while the smallest child napping, I thought I could actually have a cup of coffee. Wrong. He was jumping down from the bunk bed's upper level to an unfinished pile of flea market stuff and had already spread a bag of toys (that I had chosen to go to flea market) around the bedroom floor. After an exhausting cleaning operation I had my coffee. Cold. Furthermore, I found evidence of a banana's journey to the decorative bird cage. And an empty wienie pack from the living room floor.
Yesterday I tried to make some sense to the pile of stuff that's going to a second hand shop. My work was totally interrupted by the daily "taking the kids out and feeding them" routine. After that, while the smallest child napping, I thought I could actually have a cup of coffee. Wrong. He was jumping down from the bunk bed's upper level to an unfinished pile of flea market stuff and had already spread a bag of toys (that I had chosen to go to flea market) around the bedroom floor. After an exhausting cleaning operation I had my coffee. Cold. Furthermore, I found evidence of a banana's journey to the decorative bird cage. And an empty wienie pack from the living room floor.
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